About Geordie Romer

Geordie Romer is a Realtor in Leavenworth Washington. He specializes in selling vacation homes in Leavenworth, Plain and Lake Wenatchee. He has been blogging on his own site since 2005 and guest posts for others around the web. In 2013, he rediscovered competitive cycling and if he's not showing houses, he just might be off riding his bike.

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An Interview with Riley CEO Daniel Ahmadizadeh

An Interview with Riley CEO Daniel Ahmadizadeh

Over the years, I have preached to those that listen that lead follow up and lead conversion are the keys to real estate success.  Last fall, I heard about a new company called Riley and was intrigued by their solution for instant response to real estate leads….

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Sad Truth: New real estate tools don't integrate with CRM

Sad Truth: New real estate tools don't integrate with CRM

I have seen a disturbing trend of late among vendors and developers of real estate tech tools. Since it baffles me, I’m sure it bothers other agents as well and I would be surprised if it isn’t hampering the sales of efforts of these innovating…

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Three Paths to Real Estate Failure

Three Paths to Real Estate Failure

I was impressed and inspired by watching this video of Ben Kinney speak about lead generation and creating sales. Paraphrasing Ben, he says that if you aren’t successful as a real estate agent .. You – Aren’t Saying the Right Things … or You Aren’t…

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Barcamp or Bored Camp?

Barcamp or Bored Camp?

I’ve been to 3 Real Estate Barcamps in the past year. Seattle, Portland, and then Seattle #2. This isn’t nearly as many as some of the vendors like our friends at Zillow or Altos have attended, but I feel like I have a feel for…

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What the Funnel is going on around here?

What the Funnel is going on around here?

Back at Portland’s Real Estate Bar Camp I was intrigued by a discussion led by Galen Ward of Estately about how to increase conversions on real estate websites. How do we take visitors to our blog or website and turn them into closed sales? I’m…

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Realtor on Realtor Action – Is the RE.net a waste of time?

Realtor on Realtor Action – Is the RE.net a waste of time?

Have real estate agents missed the boat when it comes to using social media? At what point does it stop being work and just become a hobby? I do believe that social media marketing (SMM) has a place in the modern sales repertoire, but not…

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Buying Ads on Zillow

Buying Ads on Zillow

When I was attending Real Estate Bar Camp in Seattle I had the good fortune to meet a number of the crew at Zillow including Rich Barton, Spencer Rascoff, Drew Meyers and David Gibbons. Spencer was especially friendly and inviting and remained so even after…

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