About Ryan Gullett

Ryan is the marketing coordinator for EGA Homes .EGA Homes is the military housing division of Coldwell Banker Blackstone Realty.Proudly serving active duty, reservist and Veterans of the US armed forces in their real estate needs. Ryan was recently featured on Placester for his efforts in showing real estate agents and his company how to use technology to increase their business. Ryan has an extensive education in business/marketing and has a passion for real estate technology that increases productivity for brokers and agents.

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Building Database Relationships With Real Estate Technology

Building Database Relationships With Real Estate Technology

For many real estate agents, using technology for relationship building is often overlooked or not prioritized correctly. Technology is best used to maximize your most profitable revenue stream first and foremost. Consequently, this will lead to trying other sources when appropriate for your marketing budget….

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Local Real Estate Marketing Tips

Local Real Estate Marketing Tips

Bad real estate marketing tips can feel like a hamster wheel. It is just going around in a circle with no real direction. PPC campaigns and social media advertising is great for exposure,but they often have horrible conversion rates. Recent content on GeekEstate has done…

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