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Google Instant is Here – Live Search at Your Fingertips (actually faster than your fingertips can type)

Google Instant is Here – Live Search at Your Fingertips (actually faster than your fingertips can type)

Google Instant is here. And it’s cool — head to and try it out by starting to type in the search box. As with any change with Google, there is a wealth of speculation. Speculation as to what Instant means to SEO and…

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Google's URL Shortener Now Also Generates QR Codes

Google's URL Shortener Now Also Generates QR Codes

I just heard about this and thought it might be useful for agents out there using QR codes on their sign riders/ flyers etc: Google’s URL shortener,, now automatically generates QR codes.  Matt Cutts wrote about it and provides an example here: Matt Cutts Google QR…

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Are You Buzzed?

Are You Buzzed?

Google takes a run at Facebook today by releasing their new platform boringly titled “Buzz” with an equally uncreative logo (the conversation bubble is so 2009). Not that it really matters. Google could announce they changed the brand of TP in the executive wash rooms…

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Site Speed to be a Google Ranking Factor in 2010

Site Speed to be a Google Ranking Factor in 2010

At Pubcon Matt Cutts anounced that your site speed may become a search engine ranking factor in 2010. Makes sense since good websites load quickly…and Google makes it’s money by placing good websites at the top of their search results. Resources: Video from Google on…

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Google Using Site Speed in Rankings in 2010

Google Using Site Speed in Rankings in 2010

I first heard this rumor from an agent at NAR last week.  Check out the video below of Matt Cutts of Google talking about how they are seriously considering using site speed as one of the many factors in ranking a site. After listening to…

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Cities in 3D. Seriously, This is Cool

Cities in 3D. Seriously, This is Cool

The Google team has done it again with their Cities in 3d program. You can now take a “virtual tour” through the streets of Los Angeles, San Diego, or Washington, DC. Here’s a preview video showcasing Los Angeles: WOW is all I have to say….

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Why Kills Google's Twitter Announcement

Why Kills Google's Twitter Announcement

Google and Twitter has been big news across the blogosphere today… unfortunately it provokes a “meh” response from me. Why? Because a simple plugin for IE or Firefox called WebMynd (that has been around for quite a while) already did this and much much more.

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Google Maps Street View Comes to Canada

Google Maps Street View Comes to Canada

Finally, Google’s Street View product comes to the streets of Canada. The other day Google added the streets of Canada to their street level photography project. You can see all of the cities/towns that have been included in their initial launch here. Interesting that Victoria…

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One Week on Google Voice:  Progress and Pitfalls

One Week on Google Voice: Progress and Pitfalls

I was lucky enough to be one of the people with a Grand Central account when Google took over with its new Google Voice service (sometimes being a geek who signs up for every new service pays off, even if you had no idea what…

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Google Adds Real Estate Listings to Google Maps

Google Adds Real Estate Listings to Google Maps

There is some big news coming from the Google team in Australia today — real estate listings are now integrated in Google Maps. Previously, you had to navigate to the Housing section of Google Base to find real estate listings on Google. Now, you can…

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