Some weeks are just better than others when it comes to reaping the benefits of Blogging and Blog-Surfing. Over the past 5 days I have found, a fantastic post by Matt Rathbun, and a web 2.0 tool that every stinkin Realtor/Real Estate Agent/Anybody in Real Estate should be using, without fail…because once again, the excuses have been thwarted by the fact that it is FREE!!! Hello, gratis, without cost, No Denero Gringo!!!

1)  – – Blog/Website/Info Chest, that I would categorize as “Tech Crunch” lite! Great stuff, brought to you in a very simple format. A must read and must RSS for any fan of Real Estate web 2.0. Here is an excerpt from a recent post…

Become a Tweeting Twitterer with These Apps

from by Mark O’Neill

Being the titillating tweeting twitterer that I am, I figured it was time for another brief round-up of some Twitter tools that have been doing the rounds in cyberspace recently. Twitter seems to be going from strength to strength and web developers are coming up with even more innovative ideas for Twitter web programs and software tools.

Here are a few that have caught my eye recently :


This interesting service seems to be trying to make a dent in Pownce’s bubble. Or look at it another way – imagine sending out one big private email to everyone – or one big SMS. Now you get an idea of what GroupTweet is all about.

GroupTweet is for when you want to send out instant private messages to a select group of people. You would set up an exclusive Twitter account, send the private messages to that Twitter account as a Direct Message (which keeps the messages out of the Twitter public timeline) and GroupTweet then re-sends the message to everyone in the group as a new private message.

2) This post, via Agent genius, by Matt Rathbun where, in his words “I may have been a bit heavy handed”, not by my words. I believe he hit it right on the head! We, as Bloggers have to be cognisant of the actions that may result from our words. Not that we should “go easy” or throw “Soft balls”, but we must at all times maintain decency and decorum with our posts. Here is a piece from Matt’s post…

Another Hero Has Fallen

I know that many of us have written or read posts begging for “niceness” in the blogsphere, and I am sure many of us are tired of hearing the constant rants regarding the big meanies that tend to live to trash other people. I’ve read yet another ill intended blog last night, and I’m frankly sick of it. I have yet to figure out what benefit an author of these type of posts receives. In this case, it was a writer who I have ignored their past attacks and concentrated on the positive contributions (which were many) that I’ve seen them articulate. They were the single author that I had followed on this particular blog, because the sum total of the other posts were usually, simply nefarious. It is inconsequential to you the reader, or to the blog itself; but I have promptly removed this last blog author from my reader.

If you only had a heart

In reading this latest blog I had to ask a question. Does the author of these hateful posts realize that the target of their insalubrious writings have families? They are people, who in most cases, are simply trying to provide lodging for their families and groceries for their children? ….

Matt continues to eloquently state his, and many Bloggers, contentions. A must read!       and finally…..

3) – A FREE, I’m sorry? Did you say FREE? Yes, FREE Web 2.0 site that allows an Agent to enter their listing one time, and have it broadcast to 8 Major Listing sites, including; Zillow, Trulia, Vast, Google Base, and others. It even produces a code for you that will generate a nice HTML, Flyer if you will, that can be placed on Craig’s list(Another spot you must be as an Agent, or you are “Smokin Crack!”)

Real Estate Agents, please this time for sure…Listen, Learn, Grow, & Prosper!

 The Coach