Step 4 – “Be a Star on YouTube”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Series Intro: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 1 – Branding: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 2 – Branded Contact Info: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 3 – “Aces in Their Google Places”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
“Places Everyone, Places” “Lights, Camera, and…. ACTION!” Ah the “Golden Years” of Film =) Where Real Estate Agents with lot’s of Cash, and their own Production Crew, could dominate the local Airwaves!
Then Came YouTube … “comScore Releases March 2010 U.S. Search Engine Rankings” and it became the 2nd Largest Search Engine in “All The Land”
Think about it, isn’t it far better for you and I to go to YouTube and “Search” for a 2 minute video on our “Subject” or Maybe … Wait for it … Real Estate Information? Rather than “Search” on Google and get a Billion Results that we have to scroll through and read? That’s why Google bought YouTube, and that’s why it’s the fastest growing single website on the planet.
Don’t let these excuses get in your way of making this happen:
- I hate the way I look on camera
- I don’t have the time
- I don’t know what to say
- I’m afraid I’ll look stupid
- etc., etc.
- Get over it! It’s how you look at Starbucks too, but it wouldn’t stop you from introducing yourself to a nice young couple talking about Buying their first home!
- Shut The Front Door, you have time to watch American Idol, and it sucks this season! Stop wasting time, and start “managing” it
- DOH! You have been a Real Estate Agent for [insert your # here] years! You have answered over 10,000 questions. Do you think maybe those questions are pertinent in today’s Market as well? Of course they are! They are ALWAYS pertinent. Just do it with your phone camera on next time and “Share it with the World” .. WORST excuse ever!
- So what? You Might! See explanation of #1 above .. Look, think like Tiger & “Just Do It”
So how do you get started? Simple Follow these easy steps:
- Go to , you will be signed in automatically, if you are signed into gmail. If not, then sign in with your BRANDED gmail!!!!
- At the top right corner you will see a Drop-Down menu next to your name, click on “Video Manager”. You will be prompted to “Set up a Channel” if you have not yet done so. BE SURE to create this account as a “User Name”, not YOUR NAME! This is where you use an abbreviated Version of your Brand. For Our Example it will be “BeachwoodCanyonHomes” (No Spaces).
- Next click on “My Channel” (Same place at top right)
- Click on “Channel Settings”/”Info and Settings”. In the area called “Title” place your Google # 1st, then your Username, this time with spaces. Fill out the description with a short Bio, and choose 3 or 4 Tags that describe your Channel.
- Click on “Tabs”. Change Default to “Featured”, and check the “Featured” box. Choose the “Everything” template.
- Click “Done Editing”
- Click on “Add a Featured Video” just below the Title. Click “Use Most Recent Video” box. DO NOT check the Automatic Play button … so Annoying! DO check the no Ads button (or not, whatever you want).
- Click Apply =)
Please do not forget to add a picture to Settings, and it Should be Your BRANDED pic.
READY…SET….GO! Make some Videos and get them up on the Channel.
Most Frequently Asked Question … Can I put my Listing Videos on this Channel? Yes, but please observe the 4 to 1 ratio rule … Give the Consumer 4 “Helpful” Videos for every 1 “Hey Look at me, I’m a REALTOR(c) Video” … please!
Next week – Step 5 – “Creating the “HUBBA HUBBA” Blog”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
For your review … Coach
Series Intro: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 1 – Branding: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 2 – Branded Contact Info: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 3 – “Aces in Their Google Places”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Justin T. Bonney
Posted at 15:49h, 29 OctoberThe setup portion of step #4 has me lost. Please help. Can’t find the “title” in info and settings.