Step 9 – “IFTTT I Only Had a Brain”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Ok, so after last episode, Step 8 – “Saving Face(book) Bussiness Pages”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence we were basically 2/3’s done with our “Presence” =) We added 2 of the 3 largest Social Networks to it, with 1 to come in Step 10 (LinkedIn).
In this Step, we will actually create the most important 3rd Party program, IFTTT (If This Than That).
Back in March of 2012, Both Sam Board and Jeff Riber did posts, here on Geek Estate, regarding this tool. Check them out … If This Then That: Top 10 ifttt Recipes for Real Estate Agents and #retechchat Topic of Conversation – – How can we use it in Real Estate.
Let’s stick with the K.I.S.S. philosophy we have grown to know and love =) This program basically takes a single piece of Content, created anywhere in your total presence, and “Broadcasts” it to any other piece. For our purposes we will be asking it to take our Blog Posts and broadcast them to our Facebook Biz Page, Twitter Stream, and LinkedIn Update Stream. Feel free to play with it and create your own “Recipes”. I think you will find this tool to be amazing!
This one simple tool allows us to save time (lots of it) and simply share our content throughout the entire presence =) So Sweet!
So lets get started … We will “Create an Account” and create one “Recipe”. Recipe is what they call an individual action. All subsequent recipes will be created the exact same way, so you can extend it to the other Social Networks.
- Got to and click on “Join IFTTT”
- Create a Username (I suggest your name, all lower case, all one word). Use your Branded email and choose a password you will remember =)
- Click “Create Account”
After you have confirmed your account, you are ready to “Create a Recipe”
- Once in your Dashboard, choose “Create” from the Top Menu
- First Step is “If This” , meaning where does it all begin? For us it will begin at our Blog. It is a Wordpress Blog, so after clicking on the word “This”, choose WordPress from the list of icons. The 1st time you do this, you will need to “Register” your Blog with IFTTT. After this it will remember and you will no longer need that step.
- Once registered you will be asked for step 2 “Choose a Trigger”. Here you will click on “Any New Post”/”Create Trigger”. You will see on the screen the phrase “If WordPress (Icon) Then That” …
- Click on “That”. This will be telling IFTTT where the Blog Post will go? We will choose the Twitter icon for this example. Meaning we will be sending a “truncated” version of our Blog to Twitter, with a link back to the Original Blog Post =) ** Be logged into your Social Networks before you create the Recipes for an easier process. Again, you will need to “Register” your Twitter account with IFTTT, the 1st time you do this. After that you no longer need to.
- Choose “Post a Tweet” and “Create Trigger” (You can now add a Hash tag if you desire?) Complete the action by clicking on “Create Recipe”
You have now, essentially told IFTTT to send out a well created Tweet, driving traffic back to your Blog, anytime you create a New Blog Post!!! It is so Sweet! You can do the same for Facebook Pages and LinkedIn as well as a number of other Social Networks as well =)
** Lot’s of people ask me …Why can’t I just use (or stick with) Networked Blogs? Doesn’t it do the same thing?
My response is … It does something similar, but it sends the Consumer to a “Separate” Blog, created on their site for you, thereby “Sucking Up” or “Stealing” all your SEO! That traffic counts for them, not you =( Do you really want to do all this work and have someone else get the credit? I don’t!
I’m really proud of you guys! You are so close to creating something that Google will respect, and consequently, allow you to utilize to get in the ring and fight with the “Big Dawgs” … when used properly, this Outline, will give you that fighting chance …
Next week – Step 10 – “The Missing LinkedIn”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
For your review … Coach
Series Intro: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 1 – Branding: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 2 – Branded Contact Info: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 3 – “Aces in Their Google Places”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 4 – “Be a Star on YouTube”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 6 – “Ready, Set, GoDaddy”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 10 – “The Missing LinkedIn”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence - GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 06:03h, 24 April[…] Time to complete our Social Media pieces of the ”12 Step Program”, with LinkedIn … During this post, I am going to ask you to refer back to the last post, all about IFTTT. So here is a link to that post … Click Here […]