In San Fran Next Week..
I’m in San Francisco next week, August 1-7. If you’re a local or coming from out of town for Inman and want to chat — shoot me an email at drew at horizonapp dot co.
I’m in San Francisco next week, August 1-7. If you’re a local or coming from out of town for Inman and want to chat — shoot me an email at drew at horizonapp dot co.
Last week was spent at Inman Connect in NYC. The primary reason for the trip was meeting with potential enterprise partners for the recently redesigned The other part of my time there was spent helping my dear friends at Giveback Homes with their Startup…
It’s no secret I’m a fan of Giveback Homes, as I’ve written about their organization numerous times. One of their co-founders, Caroline Pinal, will be speaking on stage on Thursday at Inman Connect, so don’t miss it if you’re attending the conference. There are a number of other…
New York City has long been one of my favorite spots to spend time. I’m taking a redeye from Seattle to JFK January 25th, arriving at 6 am Tuesday morning. I’m in town until early afternoon on Friday. If you want to want some free advice…
I’ll be in San Francisco from August 4th-9th. If you’re traveling into town for Inman Connect, or live in SF, and interested in meeting up — send me an email (drew at horizonapp co)…or, do the following: Download Horizon from an iPhone or iPad, and…
As you know, I’m in New York city until the 27th. This past week has been a long one. When you’re used to drinking a couple times a month, and not usually having more than 3-4 in person meetings per week – socializing all day,…
I just got back from Inman Connect San Francisco and can I say, “amazing?” The ideas shared at Inman are nothing short of cutting edge, and when used properly can lead to huge growth as a brokerage. This same wealth of info, however, can also hurt you. Bill…
“This is not my Locker” I know it is inevitable that I will be asked (perhaps 100’s of times) “What did you learn from Inman Connect SF this week”? or “What was the most interesting thing you learned at Inman Connect SF”? or some variation…
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