There was an article in the San Diego Union Tribune that was one of the many attempts to explain the listing data integrity and syndication debate to the general consumer. As most of us and some of the big players in the industry have already taken a position, I was left wondering if Google and friends would eventually take a position as well on the subject. Obviously they are not going to formally take sides but rather if there would be any direct consequences as a result of one of the core issues, accuracy.

Following is my logic and pardon any improper use of SEO terminology as I am not an SEO expert but rather just a fellow professional dirt peddler.

  1. Google strives to produce the most beneficial and rewarding search results for the consumer.
  2. It does this by its infamous “algorithm” which is designed and tweaked to provide the most relevant, current, accurate, and updated information only from authoritative and streamlined sources.
  3. Zillow, Trulia, have serious listing and property data integrity issues.
  4. Zillow, Trulia, dominate search results in the real estate industry.
  5. Doesn’t it make sense that Google and friends at some point will start to penalize them for this?

Granted they have multi million dollar budgets to implement their SEO strategies and maintain their authority, but in the end, bad and specifically misleading information is just that. Do you think they are addressing the issue internally or do you think that tells you that maybe data relevance and integrity are not as critical as some may think?