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What is Your Primary Method of Communication? What Will it be in 5 years?

What is Your Primary Method of Communication? What Will it be in 5 years?

Is e-mail in danger? That’s the question Alex Iskold at ReadWriteWeb set about to answer with his post yesterday. With Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, text messaging, blogs, wikis, Skype, instant messaging, and the array of other online communication tools available, the question of whether e-mail is…

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Google is "Retiring" AdSense Referrals

Google is "Retiring" AdSense Referrals

Google will be retiring the AdSense Referrals program during the last week of August. Are you a Google Affiliate or Publisher? Here are some alternative options they are asking users to consider before this version of AdSense goes away: The Google Affiliate Network as part…

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I am a Time Management Junkie

I am a Time Management Junkie

It’s true — I am a time management junkie. I have to be, since I literally have two jobs at Zillow — CFO and Vice-president of Marketing. Drew asked me to blog about how I keep my head screwed on straight, so here goes. First…

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World's First Live Holographic Video Feed from California to India

World's First Live Holographic Video Feed from California to India

I love this futuristic stuff, though it seems to take so long for it to go mainstream. I know that in my office, we don’t even use webcams – it’s still all about conference calls, same as 20 years ago. Still, someday, this will be…

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Seesmic Video Commenting for WordPress Blogs

Seesmic Video Commenting for WordPress Blogs

Let me introduce a recently released WordPress plugin which I find to be a very high value — Seesmic. As I learned on Techcrunch, Seesmic, a video conversation start-up – founded by Loic Le Meur, a well-known European entrepreneur – released a WordPress plugin which…

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A word of advice to Real Estate Agents who Blog, the power of social networking can be a “double-edged sword”

A word of advice to Real Estate Agents who Blog, the power of social networking can be a “double-edged sword”

In what can only be described as an amazing commentary on the true power of Social Networking, one incredibly ignorant RedFin representative, Carol Hian, wrote a scathing Blog post on her RedFin Blog about a fellow “Twitterer” and Facebook friend, Kris Berg and her husband…

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Google Apps and Salesforce Team Up

Google Apps and Salesforce Team Up

Though TopProducer seems to be the most popular CRM tool in the real estate industry, I know some real estate professionals use as their customer relationship management application. As of today, those of you using Salesforce have some new tools at your disposal —…

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Going "Viral" is a Real Estate Agents Dream Come True!

Going "Viral" is a Real Estate Agents Dream Come True!

Yesterday on my personal blog I wrote of the concept of going “Viral” as it pertained to a recent segment I was featured in on a local news program regarding how the Internet is effecting Real Estate in the California Central Valley. Well that clip…

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It's Official Now, Cause Yahoo! Says so…Trulia and Pru Unite.

It's Official Now, Cause Yahoo! Says so…Trulia and Pru Unite.

For those of you who actually read The Coaches Blogs (thanks to both of you BTW), you remember my post on March 10th stating a new relationship with Well it’s official now as witnessed by this Yahoo post. What does this mean for Prudential Realtors…

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Did You Ever Notice Your Best Thoughts are on the Toilet?

Did You Ever Notice Your Best Thoughts are on the Toilet?

Ok, I don’t know about you guys, but for me it seems that my best thoughts come to me when I am “Going Potty” or driving on the freeway! the 2 most inopportune times in life to (jott) down a note. Until now it has…

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