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It's Official Now, Cause Yahoo! Says so…Trulia and Pru Unite.

It's Official Now, Cause Yahoo! Says so…Trulia and Pru Unite.

For those of you who actually read The Coaches Blogs (thanks to both of you BTW), you remember my post on March 10th stating a new relationship with Well it’s official now as witnessed by this Yahoo post. What does this mean for Prudential Realtors…

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"Old School" Real Estate vs "Tech Savvy" Agents

"Old School" Real Estate vs "Tech Savvy" Agents

I have coffee every weekday morning with a group of guys at our local Starbucks. Yesterday our resident “Answer Man”, Gerry (Gerry is like 50 yrs old or so), ran across a young “Tech Savvy” Real Estate Agent in line with a rather unique hairdo…….

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Just in…Prudential teams up with on line Powerhouse!

Just in…Prudential teams up with on line Powerhouse!

Well we now know who it is that will replace Yahoo as the recipient of 4million + leads. Read the full story at The Real Estate Coach Blog. Very exciting for all Pru Agents!!

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Yahoo!, Zillow, Trulia, and other leading companies agree to adopt a common data standard for real estate listings

Yahoo!, Zillow, Trulia, and other leading companies agree to adopt a common data standard for real estate listings

A few weeks ago Michael Wurzer of the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) posted an open letter to the Yahoo!, Google, Zillow, and Trulia (David Harris touched on this here on GeekEstate too) requesting that we adopt and contribute to the RETS 2.0 standard. From…

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Open Letter To Yahoo!, Google, Trulia, and Zillow, Encouraging Data Standards

Open Letter To Yahoo!, Google, Trulia, and Zillow, Encouraging Data Standards

As part of the newly elected Board of Directors of the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO), I have accepted the challenge along with the other 9 Board members to construct a real estate data standard that can be beneficial for all parties involved: Agents, Brokers,…

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