Step 2 – Branded Contact Info: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
From: “Step 1 – Branding: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence”
“After you answer these questions, you can create a Brand that will work. For the sake of this Blog Series, I will create the Brand … “Beachwood Canyon Hollywood Homes””
Ok, we have our Brand =) Now What?
In this Step, we are going to create two things:
- A “Branded” Email Account – Through Gmail
- A “Unique” Google Voice Number – That will be forwarded to your existing cell phone.
Why? It’s simple. Over the years, almost everyone I know, has completely “Mucked Up” their Contact info. Their cell phone number is now used by Clients, Family, Friends, Tele-Marketers, Collection Agencies, You Name it!
Today’s Internet consumer expects light speed. They have become accustom to immediate response and when that doesn’t happen, they simply click on the next site and attempt to contact them! Some statistics site as little as 10 minutes for this to take place. It really doesn’t matter what the actual time is, suffice it to say … It’s Quick! So having a very “Specific” email, and a very “Specific” Phone Number, designed ONLY for an Internet presence, will not only allow you to avoid embarrassing moments, but more importantly give you clear analytics and knowledge that these contacts came from your Internet Presence!
IMPORTANT! Use these ONLY for this Online Outline, and DO NOT include them on printed material, in casual conversations, family matters, NOTHING!
The steps are quite simple, keeping in mind our Branding, we simply go to (Remember NOT to be logged in to any existing Google Accounts, or it will default to those):
- Click on Create an Account Button (Top Right Corner)
- Enter the Requested Information
- When Choosing your “Username”, use the Branding (We will choose – [email protected]) Note the Capitalization of the first letter of each word. This technique should be used when presenting the information, as it increases the likelihood that the Consumer will remember it.
- Mobile phone is optional, but DO include your current e-mail, this will aid in recovering a lost/forgotten password or username.
- After opening the account, skip through the introductory process, and click on the account name in the upper right corner, opening up the account info box.
- Click on the word “Account” to go to the account dashboard.
- Click on “Products” along the left sidebar choices.
- Under “Your Products” you will see a few default choices. Scroll down to the (Very Tiny) words “All Google Products” at the bottom of the page. Click on that phrase and it will open up a list of ALL the available Google products, you now have access to as a Google Account Holder. All of them are free of charge. =)
- Choose “Voice” from the list and click on it.
- Create your very own, “Unique” voice number, choosing the area code associated with your “Branded” area. Pick the best/simplest to remember number. It truly doesn’t matter, because is ONLY for the Internet Related Destinations!
- After choosing your number there a few settings in Voice you should set. You do this by clicking on the “Gear” in the top right section of your Voice dashboard, and choosing settings from the drop-down list.
- Under “Phones” – Choose “Forward calls to Google Chat”
- Under “Voice Mail and Text” – Record the two greetings to avoid system greetings.
- Under “Calls” – Change “Call Screening” to off (You will need to confirm) & both “Caller ID choices to “Display my Google Number”
* Any other changes are up to your discretion, but not recommended by this Author.
Ok, we have done it! We now have a “Branded” email & “Unique” Internet Phone Number. Keep in mind, this number is forwarding to your existing mobile phone, so there is no need for any other equipment It will display the Google Voice number you chose, so you can identify the Caller as an Internet Lead.
Next Blog – Step 3 – Google Places – Why it’s so important, and how to do it.
BE SURE to write down, and have available all the created info. To date you should have .. Your “Branding”, your “Branded” email, and your Google Voice number. You can always refer back to:
Series Intro: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Step 1 – Branding: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence
Until next time,
The Coach
Patrick Hake
Posted at 14:29h, 23 FebruaryThanks , I have a remote forwardable number already for my site and love it. However, I have recently started a local direct mail, door knocking, listing campaign that I wanted to differentiate from my website leads, The “display my Google number” feature would be perfect for this. I will now know if I have a local seller or what is likley to be a buyer lead from my website. Thanks for sharing.
Posted at 15:56h, 23 FebruaryMy Pleasure =) Great use of the Google Voice Piece! Stay tuned for more, it gets better 😉
Loren Nason
Posted at 19:06h, 23 February[email protected] is not your “brand” it is the brand of Gmail.
If you wanted to do it right you would do it 1 of 2 ways
either do it all with Google Apps ($50 per year)
or setup a forwarding email address of [email protected] to forward to your gmail account. Then setup that gmail account to email out as that email.
That would be the correct way to do it
Posted at 15:56h, 24 FebruaryCan’t argue with ya there Loren, but the idea of this Series is to “Keep It Simple Stupid” (K.I.S.S.). Trying to make it as “followable” as possible, by as many as possible. What your saying is Spot On, but gets filed under “Intermediate or Advanced” rather than “beginner” =)
What I think is, that after they get used to navigating around this simple set up, they should upgrade! and if they do, I would recommend giving you a call. =)
thanks for the comment
Alex Atkinson
Posted at 11:05h, 25 FebruaryAgents..Do less make more…One Stop Agent will help build your internet presence 100% for you while you focus on your real estate.
Posted at 09:37h, 26 FebruaryI don’t have any of those options under Google voice?
Posted at 13:48h, 26 FebruaryWhich Options townes?
Posted at 14:45h, 27 FebruaryAt step 9, after I choose the small “all google products” I don’t have the option of a google voice.. I then went to
directlyand it installed but under options I only have ‘Change language’ and ‘Change Timezone’. I am in Canada and guessing
the features you are describing are only available to US residents.
Posted at 12:24h, 24 AprilDon’t think it is different in Canada? Can you see all the Tabs, under Settings? Phones, Voice mail & Texts, Calls …ect
Aaron Johnson
Posted at 07:18h, 28 MarchWhy do you have the calls forward to Google Chat? Wouldn’t you want the incoming calls on marketing to come to your mobile phone or go to the Google Voice voicemail?
Posted at 12:23h, 24 AprilYou do Both! =)
Series Intro: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional's Internet Presence - GeekEstate Blog
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