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Tag: Marketing

Website Design & Usability Make a Huge Difference

Website Design & Usability Make a Huge Difference

Design your site for your users and not your ego. Lets face it, most users landing on a real estate site are most interested in searching for properties not whether you are a GRI, CRS, CRE, ABR, SRES, etc…. I think you get the point….

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Can Twitter Really Increase Your Real Estate Sales?

Can Twitter Really Increase Your Real Estate Sales?

Can anyone tell me why so many agents spend so many hours on Twitter? It seems a lot of agents are caught up in the Social Media hype these days and Twitter is high on their list.  Is the business they generate off Twitter predictable…

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TwitCam – Streaming Video for Twitter

TwitCam – Streaming Video for Twitter

Livestream announced a new video product for Twitter called This is not a “How To” video product for those who like to put together bicycles without instructions! lol~ All you need is a webcam and a twitter account and you can stream live video…

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Domo Arigato Mr. Animoto!

Domo Arigato Mr. Animoto!

Ok, the #1 reason Brokers hire me, is because I possess the rare ability to translate “Geek Speak” into English! #2 is, I can spend 8 hrs reading all the coolest Blogs on the Internet and decipher what cool new tool has some relevance to our…

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Alexander Graham "Drip"!

Alexander Graham "Drip"!

“Mr. Watson, come here, I need you”…recognize those infamous words? I hope so, they are the words spoken by Alexander Graham Bell to his assistant, Mr. Watson (Is this the same guy that Sherlock Holmes called “Homey”?). History has recorded this as the very first phone…

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Social Media in Real Estate – Part 1: Twitter

Social Media in Real Estate – Part 1: Twitter

There are a number of free tools out there that can help you market yourself and your listings through the use of social media. Whether it’s posting an item on Facebook, blogging on Active Rain, uploading a video to ZIPVO (my employer), or posting a…

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