About Bryn Kaufman

Principal Broker and creator of OahuRE.com, one of the most popular websites on Oahu. I enjoy working with PHP, MySQL, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, Ajax and more. I am always looking to improve my Website and business. When not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and doing anything on or in the Ocean.

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Here is an example of why newspapers are having a hard time vs. Google. My local paper charges $50 CPM, which is $50 per thousand impressions, for a banner ad near the top of their homepage. Keep in mind this banner is not targeted to…

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Why Usability Testing Does Not Work For Me

Why Usability Testing Does Not Work For Me

In my recent post about Responsive Design, I received an interesting comment from one reader. He said that my point is misleading, has no technological merit, I have no idea what I am writing about, and I should delete my post. Despite this not so…

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Is Responsive Design dangerous?

Is Responsive Design dangerous?

In my opinion, Responsive Design can be dangerous. I design based on what I feel the user wants to see, not based on making sure I can fit it on a smaller screen. Yes, my site works great on a smart phone, but I did…

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NAR Survey Says What about Mobile?

NAR Survey Says What about Mobile?

NAR came out with their 2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers yesterday. Mobile usage was an eye opener at 50%, but wait, upon closer inspection, they classify it as a Mobile or tablet website or application. I don’t have permission to post a chart…

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How to Disrupt the Real Estate Industry

How to Disrupt the Real Estate Industry

I read some posts recently on Entrepreneur.com and GeekEstate about disrupting the Real Estate Industry. Disrupting the industry is a polite way to say, we are getting rid of Real Estate agents. In my opinion, there is only one way to disrupt the Real Estate industry….

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NAR: Stop helping Zillow and hurting Realtors!

NAR: Stop helping Zillow and hurting Realtors!

Realtors, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Are you getting multiple years of sold listings in your IDX feed? I believe the answer to that question is no, because I have never found an IDX feed that had multiple years of sales history included….

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Will Google Rank Realtors Using the .REALTOR domain?

Will Google Rank Realtors Using the .REALTOR domain?

You might recall NAR’s failed AgentMatch program, where they were going to match consumers with Realtors. It was probably the most hated thing NAR came out with in many years, so it was good they killed it off fast. I see the potential for the…

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Are Successful Realtors a Pain?

Are Successful Realtors a Pain?

I have listened to a lot of webinars where successful realtors are interviewed. I am always looking to understand what makes them successful, so I can apply it to my own business. One constant theme I have noticed from all the Webinars is successful Realtors…

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Ben Kinney’s Zillow Killer

Ben Kinney’s Zillow Killer

I read the article on Inman that Ben Kinney is coming out with a Zillow killer. Blossor. As I read through the positive comments from hundreds of Realtors, I could see that Zillow is not very popular in the Realtor community. It seems anything that…

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