About Joe Salcedo

Joe is fascinated with business models more than super models. The last two years he has been focused with his LakeTahoeRealEstate.org site and stalking the Reno Real Estate market since 2007. He works hard for his beautiful wife Anna, and two wonderful kids, Alonzo and Jiana. Add him on his Twitter account

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The Problem with Trulia and Some Thoughts on How Beat ’em

The Problem with Trulia and Some Thoughts on How Beat ’em

Trulia is like the 8’th grade bully that looks like a 19 year old, stocky, goatied, man-child that looks like he can pile-drive you to the leaves with his left hand, only after you stand up for yourself and fight back he promptly leaves you…

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Christmas Fun, Housing Crisis and Real Estate — Why Realtors Can Never Get Bored with Our Work

Christmas Fun, Housing Crisis and Real Estate — Why Realtors Can Never Get Bored with Our Work

I thought I was full of it.  It was a week before Christmas when everyone was preparing for the happiest season of the year, and here I was writing a scathing open letter to my home country’s President on why he should start preparing for…

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Where Have All the Real Estate Bloggers Gone?

Where Have All the Real Estate Bloggers Gone?

SAD DAY today when I was looking for one of my favorite real estate blogs (FOREM), and it was nowhere to be found. Where have the bloggers gone? I suspect  two things: mother companies like Inman or Zillow want to go in a different direction. …

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The Most Important Lesson I Learned in Online Real Estate Marketing

The Most Important Lesson I Learned in Online Real Estate Marketing

Tom West, the central character in the Pulitzer Prize winning book “Soul of a New Machine” once said: “Not everything worth doing is worth doing well.” Back in the 70’s, Tom along with perhaps the finest company of computer engineers ever assembled sought to build…

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Why It usually takes 18 months to make money from your real estate site

Why It usually takes 18 months to make money from your real estate site

MY WIFE WILL VIOLENTLY PROTEST, but is building and marketing a successful site not unlike half of the pain and time of a full term pregnancy?  It starts with euphoria (not always well thought out), it starts growing on you, it becomes a reality, you…

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Do you ever think about selling your real estate site?

Do you ever think about selling your real estate site?

Zillow’s closing stock price went ‘down’ to $33.20,  almost $14 to what they wanted. They got a cool $70 million for it, $20 million more than what they were hoping.  Not bad for a real estate related IPO. By now, everyone is chimed in with…

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Wild idea for Realtors: Allocate $10,000 to build a Premium Online Asset (doesn't have to be real estate)

Wild idea for Realtors: Allocate $10,000 to build a Premium Online Asset (doesn't have to be real estate)

Successful Realtors / Brokers tend to lean towards building an offline cash flow portfolio — rental homes, residential flipping or even dabble in commercial real estate. Wild idea: how about allocating two closings worth of cash for an online asset? Real estate investing will always…

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Human Signs

Human Signs

The advantages of search are widely talked about; even elementary to some. We’ve all heard it before, but do we really appreciate it enough to invest enough time and cash that actually hurts on the onset?

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How to Build a Successful Real Estate Site in 2011

How to Build a Successful Real Estate Site in 2011

While most brokers and agents are “saving” money, there is no better time to build an effective, lead-generating real estate site.
And why a strong domain costs more than gold, and how to go after profitable “long tail” keywords, to sharing my $2,000 website design mistake. I share my heart-wrenching, market-dominating, time-consuming and ultimately profitable strategies for your real estate site.

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