About Bryn Kaufman

Principal Broker and creator of OahuRE.com, one of the most popular websites on Oahu. I enjoy working with PHP, MySQL, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, Ajax and more. I am always looking to improve my Website and business. When not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and doing anything on or in the Ocean.

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How NAR got around the DOJ settlement by discouraging VOWs and hiding listings.

How NAR got around the DOJ settlement by discouraging VOWs and hiding listings.

According to NAR there has been a lot of speculation recently about the 2008 settlement agreement between the DOJ and NAR. Even though NAR reached an agreement with the DOJ, they successfully discouraged most brokers from using a VOWs by allowing the MLS to charge…

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Saying FSBOs sell for less is misleading.

Saying FSBOs sell for less is misleading.

I read an article referencing a study on how For Sale by Owner (FSBO) sell for less. In my opinion, this is misleading because they are only looking at FSBOs that did NOT sell through the MLS. These days, most successful FSBO listings are on…

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Should the MLS care about what their members think?

Should the MLS care about what their members think?

  For me the answer is yes! For others the answer is no, in certain situations. For example, when my MLS made a decision to give Zillow our listings, they did not do a poll to see if their members wanted this service, they just…

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Tips For Displaying Property Photos On Your Real Estate Website

Tips For Displaying Property Photos On Your Real Estate Website

  Good Listing Photos Are Critical According to Realtor magazine, it is the number one thing buyers are looking for when browsing your website. When I reviewed some Hotjar recordings from my website, the thing that stood out right away was my photos were not…

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Code of Ethics not clear on negotiating commission down.

Code of Ethics not clear on negotiating commission down.

Mass Code of Ethics confusion is the best way to describe what happened when I inquired in a Facebook Group about an ethics violation another Broker said I committed during our negotiation when I requested he reduce his commission. Many said it was an ethics…

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Why I use Pipedrive as my CRM

Why I use Pipedrive as my CRM

This post is not going to be an intensive Pipedrive review, and I am not going to mention any other CRMs that I tried that I had problems with. What I will go over is why I really like Pipedrive and have no plans to…

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My toughest competitor is the local Board of Realtors

My toughest competitor is the local Board of Realtors

First they told everyone to remove all branding from photos, which I agree with, but then they said they will put their branding on every photo. So now every new property photo on my website and thousands of other websites promotes their website. This is…

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Project Upstream should be a tremendous benefit for Zillow

Project Upstream should be a tremendous benefit for Zillow

Project Upstream, as far as I can tell, is all about consolidating the MLS data. Zillow currently has to take data from hundreds of MLS organizations, in a variety of formats, and consolidate it to put it on Zillow. Once Upstream is completed, they will…

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NAR – Stop wasting hundreds of millions of our money!

NAR – Stop wasting hundreds of millions of our money!

NAR, start asking your members what they want before jumping headfirst into huge expensive projects. Take a survey, see what members actually need and want. After all, you are in business to support your members. RPR is an example of this. According to Inman, NAR…

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Why was there no vote about giving our listings to Zillow?

Why was there no vote about giving our listings to Zillow?

My local Board of Realtors is now sending all listings directly to Zillow, and neither the Board members, nor the Directors, voted on it. If your Board voted or took a poll on the syndication issue, please let us know in the comments. Who we…

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