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Tag: social media

How Are You Using the iPad for Real Estate?

How Are You Using the iPad for Real Estate?

The iPad 3G came out last week and a few people I know were waiting to buy until the 3G version came out. I assume this was the case for many buyers. Of course the 3G model has a $14.99 per month service fee for…

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Real Estate RainCamp™

Real Estate RainCamp™

What the heck is a RainCamp™? Isn’t it really a TechCamp?  Is RainCamp™ anything like REBarCamp?  Maybe you heard this is an event for ActiveRain only?  What makes RainCamp™ different, and why would you want to attend?  Do I have to pay a fee to…

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Use Linkedin and Facebook to Increase Conversions

Use Linkedin and Facebook to Increase Conversions

As many social media experts, gurus, and ninjas try to “monetize” social media for their clients, others are focusing simply on the connection and interaction with clients.  Dare I say “engaging”?  Engagement used to be for when 2 people decided to get married, but today…

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Can Twitter Really Increase Your Real Estate Sales?

Can Twitter Really Increase Your Real Estate Sales?

Can anyone tell me why so many agents spend so many hours on Twitter? It seems a lot of agents are caught up in the Social Media hype these days and Twitter is high on their list.  Is the business they generate off Twitter predictable…

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TwitCam – Streaming Video for Twitter

TwitCam – Streaming Video for Twitter

Livestream announced a new video product for Twitter called This is not a “How To” video product for those who like to put together bicycles without instructions! lol~ All you need is a webcam and a twitter account and you can stream live video…

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Social Media in Real Estate – Part 3: ActiveRain

Social Media in Real Estate – Part 3: ActiveRain

Are you a part of the largest real estate network? If you’re not, you should be. It’s FREE to join! What are you waiting for!? Join Now! If you are, then you’re already taking the right steps towards success. I am of course talking about…

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Social Media in Real Estate – Part 1: Twitter

Social Media in Real Estate – Part 1: Twitter

There are a number of free tools out there that can help you market yourself and your listings through the use of social media. Whether it’s posting an item on Facebook, blogging on Active Rain, uploading a video to ZIPVO (my employer), or posting a…

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Social Media Marketing Webinars

Social Media Marketing Webinars

Pat Kitano and Kevin Boer from Domus Consulting and Transparent RE will be conducting a 13 week webinar series on the topic of Social Media Marketing, Networking, and all the other elements of what makes this new phenomenon have such an impact on the Real…

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Mixx it up – New Communities Feature

Mixx it up – New Communities Feature

One of the big social bookmarking platforms has been; it is a very 2.0 platform allowing submission of articles, pictures and videos. They’ve taken the next step in branching out into becoming a full blown Social Media site by releasing their Mixx Communities. This…

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