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Tag: hyper local

What Does Your City Whisper to You?

What Does Your City Whisper to You?

Given my own travels and having friends all over the world — I think about “cities” often. When I hear the name of a specific city, I generally think about my experiences while visiting or, if I’ve never been there, people I know who live there…

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Local Experts, Parkbench, and Escaping the Local News Graveyard

Local Experts, Parkbench, and Escaping the Local News Graveyard

Rob Hahn got me thinking about the topic of local experts again. If you haven’t noticed by now, it’s a topic that I’ve been thinking about for a long time. Parkbench, the subject of a recent founder interview, is a neighborhood news platform helping real estate…

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Whereby.Us & Sponsoring Neighborhood Guides

Whereby.Us & Sponsoring Neighborhood Guides is a creative agency for local. They are behind two local publications, The New Tropic in Miami, and The Everygrey in Seattle (which I subscribe to). Today I noticed the New Tropic has a section of neighborhood guides, sponsored by Lyft. As one example,…

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Meet the RE Tech Entrepreneur: Grant Findlay-Shirras from Parkbench

Meet the RE Tech Entrepreneur: Grant Findlay-Shirras from Parkbench

In our latest real estate tech interview, we’re talking with Grant Findlay-Shirras from Parkbench. Based in Toronto, Parkbench is neighborhood news platform. I met Grant in New York and had a chance to talk through their product and business model a bit. Having worked at Zillow, launched local…

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Location Intelligence. Pilgrim SDK, by Foursquare

Location Intelligence. Pilgrim SDK, by Foursquare

We all know real estate is about location, location, location. Did I mention location? There’s a new set of location intelligence development tools available from Foursquare, which released their Pilgrim SDK this week (which they refer to as a contextual awareness engine). More information can be found here….

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Local News and Real Estate

Local News and Real Estate

The New York Times, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal will find a way to survive, but it’s no secret local news has had a rough ride over the past two decades. Newspapers aren’t what they used to be. Some even say they are…

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Seattle in Progress — and an Agent/Broker/Franchise Opportunity

Seattle in Progress — and an Agent/Broker/Franchise Opportunity

I found Seattle in Progress (a web app by Ethan Phelps-Goodman) this morning in the Evergrey newsletter…it helps you figure out what’s being built in the city of Seattle. Guess what I did when I found it? I immediately sent it to my friend who lives a few…

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Teams, Leads, and the Long Term

Teams, Leads, and the Long Term

Brian mentioned a theme I’ve been thinking about: I also wonder if the very efficiency that makes teams work right now is also a long-term weakness. The rainmaker/buyer agent/TC pod fueled by online leads captured, scored, routed, incubated and dripped upon can be a lean,…

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Local Real Estate Marketing Tips

Local Real Estate Marketing Tips

Bad real estate marketing tips can feel like a hamster wheel. It is just going around in a circle with no real direction. PPC campaigns and social media advertising is great for exposure,but they often have horrible conversion rates. Recent content on GeekEstate has done…

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A Broker Example Using StreetAdvisor

A Broker Example Using StreetAdvisor

Everyone wants to see an example of someone using your product/service in a way they should be using it. StreetAdvisor is no different. The value proposition for sellers is clear, and the agent/broker value proposition is the ability engage with buyers and sellers who have self…

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